
Online Measles and Rubella Laboratory Data Management System (MRLDMS)

 If you are part of WHO/European measles and rubella laboratory network and would like to connect this system to your lab, please let us know at eumeasles[@]who.int.

Checklist for annual WHO accreditation version for national and sub-national laboratories in English

Section 1 : General Review and Overall Findings

Section 2 : Serology Review

Section 3 : Molecular Review

Section 4 : Virus Isolation Review

Checklist for annual WHO accreditation version for national and sub-national laboratories in Russian

Раздел 1: Резюме оценки и общие результаты

Раздел 2: Оценка выполнения серологических исследований

Раздел 3: Оценка выполнения молекулярных исследований

Раздел 4: Оценка изоляции вирусов

MRLDMS overview brochure in English

MRLDMS overview brochure in Russian

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